Sunday, October 10, 2010 at 7:39 PM

Swiss Championship F3F 2010 - results

Swiss Championship F3F 2010 was held today.
It seems to be a great success for all - the participants and the organization team.
Congrats from Germany to all of you guys!

More info and data you can find at and at Pure Air Carving.
Hope to get the chance to attend in 2011 as well!!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010 at 7:19 PM

Swiss Championship F3F 2010 - no foreigners

Raphael informed me that this year only SMV-members can attend or some additional Swiss guys if the number of participants is too little :(.

Hope this will change for next year!

Thursday, September 30, 2010 at 9:53 PM

Swiss Championship F3F 2010

The Swiss Championship F3F 2010 will be help in October at Hahenmoos Schalmi.
I do not know Hahenmoos but as it is "close" to the Wallis where I spent my vacations in August with amazing flights, I assume it is also a great locaion for slope flying.

Spontaneously I asked the organization team whether a German can participate as well.
Would be great!

Sunday, September 26, 2010 at 6:44 PM

Wasserkuppe F3F Open

Competition was cancelled because of bad weather 

Saturday morning, Fulda Quelle on arrival

First at 9:00am, second at 11:00am, third at 1:00pm at last for today at 3:00pm

Good wind at Abtsrodaer Kuppe, gusts up to 20m/s - but heavy rain and very little sight range

Sunday around 11:00am, march to Westhang, still no good sight range with very little wind

We all wait for better conditions

Dieter measures wind - ~ 3m/s - GO

Final briefing at Westhang

No more photos as I have start number 1.
When I should start, competition was cancelled because of too little. What a pitty!!!

As I had choosen my Organic 2.5m for these little wind it was no problem to fly some rounds with this little winds around us.
Good thing - I fly at Wasserkuppe since 30 years more or less sporadically, but that's the first time where I flew at Westhang ;-)...

Thursday, September 23, 2010 at 10:42 PM

final training session

Today I made a final training session for the Wasserkuppe F3F Open at Südhang, Wasserkuppe.
Causes some troubles in office but for me it was important to have at least one session with the Tracer at the slope.

One of the exprienced F3F guys gave me two, very helpful tips as I had strong stalls in some turns:

  1. trim a bit top-heavy (I had trimmed the Tracer a bit tail-heavy as I always do it for thermal flying)
  2. carry Wölbklappen with the ailerons

Another great improvement!

Sunday, September 19, 2010 at 6:36 PM

Tracer: additional trim flights

This morning I did additional trim flights via airplane towing.
Now speed increase is much butter, but still far away from that what I expect from a F3F competition plane :-(... 

Next weekend is the Wasserkuppe F3F Open. 
My Tracer is still quite slow, additionally losts a lot of its little speed in turns.
Ok, I did not expect to be within the "Top 50%" for my first F3Fcompetition, but now I think I can be be happy not to be the tail light.

Saturday, September 18, 2010 at 11:48 PM

Tracer: reduce longitudinal dihedral

Reducing longitudinal dihedral is a quite easy job. Done within one evening...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 8:39 PM

Tracer - looking for a reason not flying fast

Target, participant of the Viking Race 2008 gave me a hint: reduce longitudinal dihedral!
Will do...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 10:27 PM

Tracer: more flights via airplane towing - I am frustrated!

After successful maiden this morning I had the chance to some more flights via airplane towing late afternoon.

Tracer flys great from a thermal or alrounder point of view but takes up speed hardly - I am frustrated!
All that know me in person know how difficult it is to frutrate me...

successful maiden of Tracer!

Because of lots of overhours I have I decided to go to the airfield this morning before driving to the office.

As I got no settings for the Tracer everything is a bit more thrilling than other maidens.

3 hand launches - 3 times more lead, then lay out the 15m rubber and 60m rope (airfileld is only 120m), breathe deeply - launch - straightaway up - releasing towline - a bit tail heavy - very precise to pilot

4 more high starts with some minor adjustments.

So it was a successful maiden of the Tracer :-)!

Tracer flys great, but seems to be not a very fast plane...

Monday, September 6, 2010 at 1:00 AM

Tracer: problems with V-tail area solved and radio installed

All problems solved, but this had lead to additonal ~ 50/60g. Not good wit the long lever...

 Additonal resin, filler and glass fiber for the V-tail attachment

New bowden cables and 3 bracings from foam (no polystyrene as photo shows) soaked with resin (Harry, thanks for this tip!)

Radio installed, left some space for a vario in the front as there is no space behind the cockpit.
Not perfect for CG...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at 10:56 PM

Tracer: problems with V-tail area

The  V-tail area has a lot of room for improvement.

  • Mingy sticks on the V-tail wings
  • V-tail attachment in the fuselage has a lot of air pockets so I am sure the first tough turn would end without V-tail wings 
  • one of the mingy bowden cables is not usable
  • fabric tape for one rudder is lacerated for ~ 1cm on fuselage side

    But the quality of the rest of the airplane still seems to be very good.

    This will cost time as I have no experience (luckily :-)) with mouldie repair or modifications and will add some additonal weight to the tail section (what I really don't like!).

    Monday, August 30, 2010 at 3:29 PM

    Tracer build started, finally!

    This evening IO had some time to start with the Tracer build.
    To save time I had asked a friend to help me with the wing servos some time ago.
    He did this meanwhile.
    Harry, you did a great job with this! Thanks a lot!

    Tonight I finished the cableforms for the wing servos.

    Decided to use the connectors and not to solder the cables for easy replacement.

    A bit hot glue and we are done.
    Floating connectors in the wing, fixed in the fuselage.

    Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 8:59 PM

    succesful maiden of Sagitta!

    The needed enhancements are done and it was possible to maiden Sagitta today via airplane towing.

    The Sagitta flys very good and is quite fast, in spite of the thick airfoil.

    I am already in love :-)!

    Saturday, May 29, 2010 at 9:48 PM


    I got my Tracer 30 minutes before the beginning of the Pfingstpokal.
    Quite challenging to take over the ship in Gerfeld and to arrive at the competition place at Abtrodaer Kuppe with a ready to fly plane as a delayed arrivel would lead to disqualification.

    Very nice plane but not light...
    The 2200g AUW advertised by NAN seems unrealistically.

    During the first test assembly today, it became visible that wing joiner for left wing does not fit.

    Wednesday, April 28, 2010 at 9:18 PM

    Tracer ahead

    Good news is I can get a Tracer in May (22.+23.) at Pfingstpokal 2010, Wasserkuppe.
    As I have still no F3F glider (all manufactors I know have long delivery times and used ships I get offered for were too used) I decide to take the Tracer without knowing in detail with what I will engage...

    Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 11:08 AM

    International FAI Sporting License# received

    Received my International FAI Sporting License# by email.
    That was really fast!

    Friday, March 26, 2010 at 11:05 AM

    International FAI Sporting License requested

    International FAI Sporting License requested.
    Great support from the DAEC guys!

    Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 10:04 PM

    Registered for F3F Open Wasserkuppe

    By chance I found the Wasserkuppe  F3F Open  website.
    There was no need to think about if I should register or not ;-).
    Competition will be held on 25+26 September at Wasserkuppe, Germany.

    Now I need an international FAI Sporting License AND a F3F plane!

    Sunday, March 14, 2010 at 11:33 PM


    Yesterday, I bought an Elixir from
    Not a F3F plane, but I need something robust for our vacation in the Swiss Alpes in early August.
    I only fly my thermal ships on slopes with very good landing zones and when air traffic is not too high.
    So you never will see me at Wasserkuppe with a real thermal ship ;-).

    Sunday, January 17, 2010 at 9:52 PM

    Carrera Sagitta - new canopy arrived

    Yesterday I received a real new canopy for my Sagitta ;-).
    A guy from sold it to me.

    Now I can start to do some small enhancements to have a bit more state-of-the-art model.

    Elevator and ailerons have to much tolerance and I decided to remove the 30 year old servos (that were still in the plane) against new ones.

    Do not want to loose this dream due to a servo outage!

    I will take the Sagitta to the Swiss Alps in early August...