Friday, October 23, 2009 at 9:42 PM

one dream of my youth came true: Sagitta Carrera

By chance I found a very nice, ~30 year old  Sagitta in very good conditions today.
I got it for real good price as it is from a club mate who gave it to an other guy 130km away to sell it for him.
That's real luck!

The only thing, I need a new canopy. A common issue for this old Carrera plans...

Thursday, April 30, 2009 at 10:27 AM

22. April 2009 - first contact with F3F flying style

Had a day off and decided to make an excursion together with my mother to Wasserkuppe.
As good north west winds were announced I put my Marder with.

Only four or five pilots flew at Abtsrodaer Kuppe.

After 1 1/2 hour pure fun with "normal" slope flying I had to leave and one of the other pilots started to fly close to the edge with a lot of speed and incredible fast and tight turns, I've never seen before.

What is this?

After "asking" several search engines some days later it was clear: F3F!